Competitive Analysis

Trends and Market Research

Brand positioning

Ideation phase

Analyse the trademark solutions 

Analyse web domain availability

Onomatopy Naming Chart 

Find the best brand name

It all begins with a name. And what looks incredibly simple from the distance can quickly become mission impossible once you start the quest. Distinctive, memorable, easy to spell, digitally powerful, sector appropriate, emphatic, differentiates against the competition, domain and trademark safe. Too many „musts”. 

The name is the most intensely used communication tool of a brand, by all its stakeholders. So what is it that makes a name memorable? If the name has an emotional trigger, if it makes people curious it’s more likely to become relatable. We start by researching the 3 Cs (Company, Customers, Competition), we look at the industry data and naming trends and then start the ideation phase. All the names we shortlist and present are pre-tested for trademark and domain name availability. Our naming chart makes a highly subjective process much more predictable and with almost 100% success rate. We will deliver the right name based on company personality and goals.


Our own name comes from Greek and initially meant “creating names”. Onomatopy > gr. onomatopoia, onoma = name, poiein = to do. Then, it became a figure of speech that refers to words coming from sounds: buzz, bark, zap. That’s onomatopoeia. We de-constructed it, added a suffix and turned it into an ownable brand name. 


We create company names, product and project names which, combined with graphic symbols, tell stories and create coherent worlds around them.


A UK based SME name we created: Pigmento

A global brand name we created: Wizerfi

Check our Ideas section for naming tips.



NAMING P A R T N E R  for T R A D E M A R K  R E G I S T R A T I O N:

Brandsmiths for UK and international trademarks and intellectual property


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